Map of Bohol
Boholano Broadband is also available for subscription at our local cable TV partners.
Below are the list of areas that Boholano Broadband is available and the corresponding partners that handles the area.
San Miguel Cable Network Inc.
SMCNI Cable Network Inc.
Our local cable company partner that handles the areas of JAGNA, GARCIA HERNANDEZ, DUERO.
Contact No. : +639508938079
Address: SMCNI Compound, Achacoso St., Poblacion, Jagna, Bohol
Our local cable company partner that handles the areas of GUINDULMAN and ANDA.
Contact No. :+639561489475
Address: Trinidad, Guindulman, Bohol
Eastern Bohol Cable Network Inc.
DTV Cable Systems Inc.
Our local cable company partner that handles the areas of MABINI, ALICIA, and CANDIJAY
Contact No. : +639462338221
Address: La Union, Candijay, Bohol
Our local cable company partner that handles the areas of UBAY, TRINIDAD, and SAN MIGUEL
Contact No. : +639064807297
Address: DTV Cable Highway, Ubay, Bohol
Boholano Cable TV Inc.
Our local cable company partner that handles the areas of DIMIAO and VALENCIA
Contact No. : +639283243076
Address: National Highway, Poblacion Occidental, Valencia, Bohol